Allow dhcp option 66 or 160, To override server, Sip tls certificate – Grandstream DP715 User Manual User Manual
Page 44: Always send http basic authentication information

Firmware version
DP715/DP710 User Manual
Page 42 of 56
Config Server Path
IP address or domain name of configuration server.
XML Config File
The password used for encrypting the XML configuration file using OpenSSL.
This is required for the phone to decrypt the encrypted XML configuration file.
The user name needed to authenticate with the HTTP/HTTPS server.
The password needed to authenticate with the HTTP/HTTPS server.
Always send HTTP
Basic Authentication
Default is Send HTTP Basic Authentication Information only when challenged. If set
to Always, device will send configured user name and password within HTTP request
without server sending authentication challenge.
Firmware File Prefix
This field enables user to store different versions of firmware files in one single directory
on the firmware server. If configured, only the firmware file with the matching prefix will be
Firmware File Postfix
This field enables user to store different versions of firmware files in one single directory
on the firmware server. If configured, only the firmware file with the matching postfix will
be downloaded.
Config File Prefix
This field enables user to store different configuration files in one single directory on the
configuration server. If configured, only the configuration file with the matching prefix will
be downloaded.
Config File Postfix
This field enables user to store different configuration files in one single directory on the
configuration server. If configured, only the configuration file with the matching postfix will
be downloaded.
Allow DHCP Option 66
or 160 to override
If set to “Yes”, configuration and upgrade server information can be obtained using DHCP
option 66 or 160 from DHCP server located in customer’s environment. Default setting is
Automatic Upgrade
Choose “Yes” to enable automatic upgrade and provisioning. If select “Check every
minutes” input the amount of minutes you want it to check for update. If select “Yes, daily
at hour” make sure to input the hour of the day you want it to check for update, e.g. for 11
pm type 23. If select “Yes, weekly on day” make sure you input the day of the week (in
format 0-6, 0 is Sunday) you want it to check for update. When set to No, DP715 will only
do the following option you select; “Always check for New Firmware at Boot up” will check
for new firmware every time the device reboots. “Check New Firmware only when F/W
pre/suffix changes” will check for updates only when the pre/suffix has been changed.
Authenticate Conf File If set to Yes, config file is authenticated before acceptance. This protects the
configuration from an unauthorized change.
Firmware Key
Used for firmware encryption. Should be 32 digit in hexadecimal representation. End
user should keep it blank.
SIP TLS Certificate
The user specifies SSL certificate used for SIP over TLS in X.509 format.
SIP TLS Private Key
The user specifies SSL private key used for SIP over TLS in X.509 format.
SIP TLS Private Key
The user specifies password to protect the private key above.
The user specifies the Auto Configuration Server’s URL (TR-069 protocol)
ACS Username
The user specifies the ACS Username