4 uf6 (ms-dos), winuf6, 5 leng, 6 rate – GBS Elektronik MCA-527 User Manual

Page 54: 7 winscan, 5 mcatouch, 1 identify

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6.4.4 UF6 (MS-DOS), WinUF6

Similar to U235 or WinU235, but optimized for HPGe detectors. Only one intensity
calibration measurement is necessary.

6.4.5 LENG

This program supports semi-automated active length measurement (HM-4) using a
miniature NaI or CdZnTe detector.

6.4.6 RATE

This program supports measurements of count rates with any radiation detector (HPGe,
NaI, CdTe, CdZnTe and neutron counters). In the most convenient mode of operation only
the menu button "measurement" needs to be "pressed" to start a measurement and
showing the count rates in form of a LCD display and a bar graph.

6.4.7 WinSCAN

WinSCAN is used for candu bundle verifications. WinSCAN is in its features somewhere
between MCA and MCS. It can measure up to 500 Spectra and save them in one file.
Evaluation is similar to MCS, just that there is not only an integral spectrum but one
spectrum for every point so it is possible to evaluate courses off arbitrary net or integral
ROI areas.

6.5 MCAtouch

Software made for safeguards purposes. The focus here is on usability and support of
computers with small touchscreens and pocket computers.

6.6 Auxiliary Software for Analysis, Presentation and Miscellaneous


6.6.1 Identify

Identify is an intelligent, interactive software tool to evaluate spectra. It does peak search
and nuclide identification. HPGe, CdZnTe and NaI detector gamma spectra are supported.
For correct peak search a starting point for the detector resolution and efficiency is
assumed based on detector type and size. Features are:

includes full master library of gamma lines (derived from table of radioactive

editor for creating application specific evaluation libraries

detector function is calculated from detector data sheet, no efficiency calibration

automatic determination of FWHM of the peaks found in a spectrum as function of