1 spec (ms-dos), winspec (windows), 2 mcs (ms-dos), winmcs (windows), 3 u235 (ms-dos), winu235 (windows) – GBS Elektronik MCA-527 User Manual
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6.4 Windows and DOS software for MCA166 operating with MCA527
Numerous programs were developed to operate the MCA166. All of them serve a special
purpose. There are programs for MS-DOS and Windows (32 Bit). The MS-DOS software
was originally developed for the HP200LX, whose footprint was coincident with the
footprint of the MCA166. The Windows programs were developed to operate the MCA166
more comfortably. The Windows programs allow to connect the MCA166-USB or MCA527
via USB cable, for the DOS software only RS232 communication is possible.
DOS as well as the DOS software is considered obsolete, but as the MCA527 will even
work with this software, it is mentioned here.
6.4.1 SPEC (MS-DOS), WinSPEC (Windows)
These programs are the default programs for measuring spectra. It supports semi-
automated measurements of gamma ray spectra with the MCA. The spectra are stored on
mass storage media on a computer. There are two variants of WinSPEC. WinSPEC-I (for
Inspectors) was designed for standard use. WinSPEC-A (for Automation) was designed
for unattended measurements. Special features of WinSPEC-A are:
Automatic restart of the program after lost of mains power, program or operating
system crash
Sending commands to a special hardware module on LPT1 for monitoring the
”State of health” (already integrated) and other states (not integrated yet)
Writing zip files
Data file retrieval to a flashcard
Archiving of data files
Writing a log file
6.4.2 MCS (MS-DOS), WinMCS (Windows)
These programs support semi-automated measurements of time distributions with any
radiation detector (HPGe, NaI, CdTe, CdZnTe and neutron counters). There are two
variants of WinMCS. WinMCS-I (for Inspectors) was designed for standard use.
WinMCS-A (for Automation) was designed for unattended measurements. It contains the
same special features like WinSPEC-A (see above).
6.4.3 U235 (MS-DOS), WinU235 (Windows)
These programs support stabilized U235 enrichment verification measurements with a NaI
or CdZnTe detector (PMCN, PMCC). The algorithm bases on absolute intensity
measurement of the 186keV photon energy. It also needs a two point intensity calibration
with two standards.
Reevaluation / recalibration using previously recorded spectra is possible. Verification
results are documented in a report file, which is automatically saved with the
extension *.rep.