GAI-Tronics XMLS001A Multi-Line Select Option Field Installation Kit User Manual

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Pub. 43003-010B

XMLS001A Multi-line Select Option Field Installation Kit

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\\s_eng\gtcproddocs\radio products-current release\43003\43003-010b\43003-010b.doc

Open the Desk Set Housing:

1. Invert the IPE2500A Desk Set on the anti-static surface and remove the four screws in the cavities in

the bottom half of the housing.

2. Holding the top and bottom halves together, turn the desk set right side up.

3. Separate the top from the bottom, laying the top half face-down to the left of the bottom. If the desk

set is already equipped with the mounting bracket then proceed to mounting the Multi-line Select


The NDC option (DC control generator PCBA) and/or the NRC Option (relay

control PCBA) are not compatible with the MLS, and must be removed before the MLS can be

Installing the Mounting Bracket:

4. Position the bracket on the floor of the desk set bottom with the folded edges of the bracket facing

down and the notch on the left side (opposite the steel weight).

5. Using the #2 Phillips screwdriver, secure the bracket with the two course-threaded screws going into

the plastic bosses protruding up from the bottom housing.

Mounting the MLS PCBA:

6. Secure the MLS PCBA to the bracket using the four machine screws.

7. Connect the 14-conductor ribbon interface cable to the J700 on the DTD (main) PCBA in the desk set

top. Choose the end of the cable with the single connector for this.

8. Connect the remaining end of the ribbon cable to P800 on the MLS PCBA, choosing the inner

connector on the cable rather than the one at the very end.

9. Connect the four-conductor ribbon cable between P802 on the MLS PCBA and P802 on the DPS

PCBA (on the desk set bottom)

Re-assemble the Desk Set Housing:

10. Replace the top half on to the bottom taking care to fold the ribbon cables neatly away from

interfering features, most notably the magnet holder protruding out from the underside of the handset
cup on the top half.

11. Hold the two halves together while you turn the desk set face down on the work surface. Re-insert

the four housing screws into the cavities and tighten until snug.

12. Installation complete. Program the desk set for the desired line features using the CARD Suite


Be sure to give the Operation Instruction Manual to the customer.