Available adjustments, Front cover reattachment – GAI-Tronics ICS Zone 2/22 Weatherproof Page/Party Station User Manual

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Pub. 42004-734L2DQG

ICS Zone 2/22 Weatherproof Page/Party


Station Quick Installation Guide

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f:\standard ioms - current release\42004-xxxxqg quick guides\42004-734l2dqg.doc

Available Adjustments

Most optional equipment is preconfigured to a default standard at the factory. The following is a
partial list of the available adjustments and settings that may be needed:


VLC Option

SmartSeries Option

 Speaker Volume

 Speaker Volume

 FSK Transmit Level

 Receiver Volume

 VLC Override

 Address

 Transmit Level

 Test Tone

 Mutual Muting

 Page Control

Termination PCBA

 Remote Signaling

 Speaker Impedance

Figure 3. Typical installation wiring configuration



: Station input power can be through system cable or through a separate power source cable.

See Pub. 42004-734L2 for the possible beacon, RTU activation, dc option, and speaker impedance

Front Cover Reattachment

Connect any cable harnesses that were disconnected during mounting. Place the front cover inside the rear enclosure, being careful not to pinch any
cables. Attach the front cover with the four screws and washers provided. Torque the screws to 50 in-lbs (5.65 n-m).

CE Mark

Certificate No.

Notified Body ID No. 0539

UL International DEMKO A/S

Lyskear 8

DL-2730 Herlev


DEMKO 10 ATEX 1010664x .............................................. II 3 G Ex ic nA IIC T4 Gc and II 3 D Ex ic tb IIIC T135ºC Dc
IECEx UL 10.0038x ............................................................. Ex ic nA IIC T4 Gc and Ex ic tb IIIC T135ºC Dc

Figure 2. Suggested wire

entry locations