Hardware configuration – GAI-Tronics 10962-001, 10962-002 AMI Redundant Controller Modules User Manual

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Pub. 42004-708L2B

Model 10962-001 and 10962-002 AMI Redundant Controller Modules

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Hardware Configuration

The Model 10962-001 Single Redundant Controller Module consists of one AMI Redundancy Controller
PCBA mounted to the base and one LCD module mounted to the front of the base. Model 10962-002
Dual Redundant Controller has two 69842-001 AMI Redundancy Controller PCBAs mounted to the base
and has two LCD modules mounted to the front of the base.

Figure 1. Model 10962-001 Single Redundant Controller for one AMI

Designed for installations where the active and back-up AMIs are installed at separate locations

Figure 2. Model 10962-002 Redundant Controller Module

Designed for installations where the active and back-up AMIs are installed at the same location