GAI-Tronics 234WM Wall-Mount Stanchion Assembly User Manual

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Pub. 42004-308F

Model 234WM Wall-Mount Stanchion Assembly


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f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-308f.doc

6. Connect the telephone cable from the surge protection, and feed the cable through the bottom access

hole of the telephone back box and allow it to hang free.

7. Bring the orange and violet strobe unit wires through the bottom access hole of the back box, and

allow them to hang free.

8. The telephone front panel is shipped from the factory with a cable and modular plug attached to TB1.

If the telephone line is to be hard-wired to the telephone, this cable can be removed and discarded.
Skip to Step 9. If desired, an optional modular telephone jack can be mounted to the inside of the
back box allowing the use of the cable and modular plug that is attached to TB1.

9. Attach the telephone cable from the surge protector to TB1 on the telephone PCBA as shown in

Figure 8.

10. Attach the strobe’s violet and orange control wires to TB2 on the telephone PCBA as shown in

Figure 8.

11. Install the telephone’s front panel using the six tamper-resistant screws and six washers provided.



: Excessive tightening will cause the panel to warp. Do not over-tighten.