Wiring, Mutual muting – GAI-Tronics 758-001 Weatherproof Speaker Amplifier Enclosure User Manual
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Pub. 42004-211B
Model 758-001 Weatherproof Speaker Amplifier Enclosure
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\\s_eng\gtcproddocs\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-211b.doc
Attach conduit to the enclosure. Feed the wiring through the conduit, and bring it into the enclosure. See
Figure 2. Follow the wire colors carefully, because the colors correspond to GAI-Tronics 60029 or 60038
Series cable. The wires must be spade-lugged and connected carefully and completely to the terminal
block. An improper termination may diminish station performance.
Mutual Muting
In the event that feedback occurs within an area and repositioning of the system speakers does not help,
mutual muting may be used to correct this problem.
The following steps mutually mutes adjacent amplifiers/handsets within a zone.
1. Ensure that the purple lugged wire on the Model 758-001 Enclosure is connected to terminal 7 of
2. Connect terminal TB1-7 of the handset station to TB1-7 of the Model 758-002 Enclosure within the
zone that is causing feedback. This is done by using the spare system wire (orange conductor) from
within the system cable that runs between the stations.
Figure 2. Model 758-001 Wiring Details