Foxconn 6497MC-RSH User Manual

Page 34

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Chapter 3 BIOS Description



Hyper-Threading Technology
This option is used to turn on or off the Hyper-Threading function of the CPU.
The available setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.
Note: This function will not be displayed until a CPU that supports
Hyper-Threading has been installed.


CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking
This option is used to enable or disable CPU L2 cache ECC Checking. The
setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.


Quick Power On Self Test

Enable this option to shorten the power on testing (POST) and have your sys-
tem start up faster. The setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.


First/Second/Third Boot Device
This option allows you to set the boot device’s sequence.


Boot Other Device

With this function set to enable, the system will boot from some other de-
vices if the first/second/third boot devices failed. The setting values are: Dis-
abled and Enabled.


Boot Up NumLock Status
This option defines if the keyboard Num Lock key is active when your system
is started. The setting values are: On and Off.


Typematic Rate Setting

If this option is enabled, you can use the following two items to see the
typematic rate and the typematic delay settings for your keyboard. The avail-
able setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.


Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)

Use this option to define how many characters per second a held-down
key generated.


Typematic Delay (Msec)

Use this option to define how many milliseconds must elapse before a held-
down key beings generating repeat characters.

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