Flowserve QX Limitorque User Manual
Page 80

Limitorque QX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM3314-00 – 5/11
Euro House
Abex Road
Berkshire, RG14 5EY
Type & Description of Equipment
Valve Actuators
Model Number
QX Series Note: Tested with Limitorque products only and with standards applicable at time of tests.
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and
Standard(s). List as follows:
Earnest Carey
(Full Name)
Principal Product Portfolio Manager and Marketing Manager
Flowserve Limitorque
5114 Woodall Rd., Lynchburg VA 24502
February 2011
9.2 Specific Conditions for Use — Atex/Cenelec/IECEx Applications
Atex/Cenelec/IECEx certification of the QX product line is described in Certificate of Conformity. This certificate
details specific construction requirements that must be met in order to maintain the XP integrity of the actuator. The
sockethead cap screws used with the QX electric valve actuators shall conform to the following requirements:
The “X” suffix to the Certificate number relates to the following specific conditions of use.
1. ISO Class 12.9, M8 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 1100 MPa) shall be used to replace the terminal, control,
or motor compartment fasteners of actuators marked with TAMB < -20°C or for all Group IIC actuators.
2. Stainless steel, A2 or A4, ISO Class 70, M8 socket-head cap screws (Yield Stress 450 MPa) shall be permitted
as an alternate to the ISO Class 12.9 socket-head cap screws on the terminal, control, or motor compartments of
actuators marked TAMB ≥ -20°C.
3. Consult the manufacturer if dimensional information on the flameproof joints is necessary.
9.3 Statement of Compliance with Applicable European Directives
We, Flowserve Limitorque, 5114 Woodall Road, Lynchburg, VA, USA 24502, as the manufacturer of the equipment
listed below:
QX-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 electronic valve actuator. The QX is a non-intrusive electronic actuator. It
is specifically designed for the purpose of being mounted to a quarter turn valve (or other
apparatus) in order to move the valve from fully closed to fully open.