4 reference documents – Flowserve QX Limitorque User Manual
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Limitorque QX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM3314-00 – 5/11
WARNING: Refers to personal safety. Alerts the user to potential danger. Failure to follow warning notices
could result in personal injury or death.
CAUTION: Directs the user’s attention to general precautions that, if not followed, could result in personal injury
and/or equipment damage.
NOTE: Highlights information critical to the user’s understanding of the procedure.
Bold text stresses attention to the details of the procedure.
1.3 Important Notes and Warning Statements
Please read this Maintenance and Spare Parts Manual carefully and completely before attempting to store or perform
maintenance on your QX valve actuator. Further installation, setup and operation instructions are available in the
Installation and Operation manual (LMENIM3306) attached to the actuator declutch lever bracket at shipment.
WARNING: Be aware of electrical hazards within the actuator and high-pressure hazards of the attached valve
or other actuated device when installing or performing maintenance on your QX actuator. Failure to observe
these precautions could result in serious bodily injury, damage to the equipment or operational difficulty.
WARNING: Do not manually operate actuator with devices other than installed handwheel and declutch lever.
Using additive force devices (cheater bars, wheel wrenches, pipe wrenches or other devices of this nature)
on the actuator handwheel or declutch lever may cause serious personal injury and/or damage to the actuator
or valve.
1.4 Reference Documents
• Protection, Control and Monitoring features of MX/QX Electric Actuators (Bulletin LMENTB2300)
• QX Control, Performance and Value in Quarter-turn Electric Valve Actuators (Bulletin LMENBR3302)
• QX Installation Manual (Bulletin LMENIM3306)
• QX Quick Mount and Start (Bulletin LMENIM3313)
1.5 This document applies to both QX – 90 degree actuators and all
QXM-multi-turn actuators.
The latest revisions to these documents are available on-line from Flowserve Limitorque’s website, www.flowserve.
com or at www.limitorque.com