4 subassembly removal and remounting procedures, 5 how to order replacement subassemblies – Flowserve QX Limitorque User Manual

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Limitorque QX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM3314-00 – 5/11

Figure 2.4 - QX

Oil fill /Plug Locations (QX-1 thru 5)

2.3.3 O-Ring and Lubrication

O-rings and seals should be replaced any time an actuator is disassembled. Lubricate with a substance that is
compatible with Buna N seals.

2.4 Subassembly Removal and Remounting Procedures

This manual divides each QX actuator subassembly into a Removal and Remounting procedure. Use the following
procedures to remove subassemblies for inspection, repair or replacement. Some subassemblies require prior
subassembly removal before allowing the desired subassembly removal. Note the First Remove instructions at
the beginning of each subassembly removal procedure. Remove these subassemblies first, and then remove the
desired subassembly according to the instructions. Once removed, evaluate subassembly components to determine
requirement for a new subassembly. If a new subassembly is required, see Section 2.5. Once components have been
identified and replaced, remount following the appropriate Remounting procedures.

2.5 How to Order Replacement Subassemblies

2.5.1 Replacement Parts

Replacement parts are sold in modular subassemblies; therefore, when part replacement is required, order parts at the
subassembly levels as shown in this manual. Parts may be ordered from your local Limitorque representative (www. or direct from the factory:

Telephone: 1-434-528-4400

Fax: 1-434-845-9736

Please have the following information, found on the actuator nameplate, available to help us facilitate your order:

• Unit type/size
• Limitorque order number
• Serial number