Table 3.2 – modbus function codes supported, 2 modbus, 1 modbus function code 01 (read coil status) – Flowserve DDC-100 Modbus Direct-to-Host User Manual

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DDC-100 Direct-to-Host Programming Guide

FCD LMAIM4019-00

FCD LMAIM4019-00

DDC-100 Direct-to-Host Programming Guide


Queries are used to send requests from the Modbus master (Host) to the Modbus slave (DDC-100
Field Unit), and the slave must respond with an appropriate response or an error message.

The Modbus function codes that are supported in the DDC-100 Network are a subset of the
complete Modbus function codes and are listed below:

01 Read Coil Status Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete outputs (coils) in the field units.

02 Read Input Status Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete inputs in the field units.

03 Read Holding Registers Reads the binary contents of holding registers in the field units.

04 Read Input Registers Reads the binary contents of the input registers in the field units.

05 Force Single Coil Forces a single coil to either the ON or OFF state.

06 Preset Single Register Presets a value into a single-holding register.

08 Diagnostics Provides communication tests and checks for internal error conditions in the

field units.

15 Force Multiple Coils Forces multiple coils to either the ON or OFF state.

16 Preset Multiple Registers Presets a value into multiple holding registers.

NOTE: All data in Modbus messages are referenced to zero. The first occurrence of a data item is
addressed as item number zero. This includes Coils, Inputs, and Registers. For example, coils 1-8
would be addressed as 0-7, inputs 1-16 would be addressed as 0-15, and registers 1-16 would be
addressed as 0-15.

3.2 Modbus

The Modbus protocol was developed by A.E.G. Modicon for communicating to various networked
devices. The relationship between these devices and a central controller is called a master-slave
relationship in which the master (Host device) initiates all communications. The slave devices (field
units in the actuators) respond to the queries from the master. Modbus only permits one master to
communicate at any given time (simultaneous communication is prohibited) for assuring process
control integrity.

The controlling device (master) must conform to the Modbus protocol as defined in the Modicon
Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MODBUS-300 Rev. G and support Modbus function codes
01 through 06, 08, 15 and 16. These function codes are a subset of the complete protocol and are
defined in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 – Modbus Function Codes Supported







Addressing Range


Read Coil Status


0,000 - 9,999


Read Input Status


10,000 - 19,999


Read Holding Register


40,000 - 49,999


Read Input Register


30,000 - 39,999


Force Single Coil


0,000 - 9,999


Preset Single Register


40,000 - 49,999






Force Multiple Coils


0,000 - 9,999


Preset Multiple Registers


40,000 - 49,999

Note: MX-DDC does not support Modbus function code 02.

Modbus function codes 15 and 16 are supported in:

UEC-3-DDC Modbus Firmware 2.00 and greater

MX-DDC Firmware 02/01.00 and greater

The choice of which query to use in a particular situation can significantly affect the efficiency of the
network. As an example, consider the situation where the Host requires the status of the coils, the
status of the digital inputs, the status of the faults, and the status of the timers and analog chan-
nels. This information can be obtained by using the 01 - Read Coil Status query, the 02 - Read Input
Status query, and 04 - Read Input Register query. To obtain this information, the Host would have
to send three separate queries, and the field unit would have to respond to each query separately.
A more efficient way to accomplish this same request for information would be through the use of
the 03 - Read Holding Register query. The Host would issue the 03 query (specifying the registers
to read), and the field unit would respond with one response that would contain all of the requested
information. The latter approach would generate considerably less network traffic than the former
approach, improving network capacity and response times.

In the strict sense, all transmissions from the Modbus master are called commands. In this manual,
a request for information, however, may be referred to as a query. Usually the term query will only
be used in conjunction with function codes (01), (02), (03), (04), and (08), which typically request
data. Commands are used in conjunction with function codes (05), (06), (15) and (16), which
typically initiate field unit action.

• The coil known as “coil 1” in the field unit is addressed as coil 0000 in the data address field of a

Modbus message.

• Digital input 129 decimal is addressed as digital input 0080 hex (128 decimal).
• Holding register 40001 is addressed as register 0000 in the data address field of the message.

The function code field already specifies “holding register” operation. Therefore the reference
“4XXXX” is implicit.

• Holding register 40009 is addressed as register 0008 hex (8 decimal).

3.2.1 Modbus Function Code 01 (Read Coil Status)

This function code is used to read the coil status in the DDC-100 Field Unit. There are nine coils
available to be read on DDC-100 Field Units as shown in Table 3.3. For the MX/DDC or UEC-3-DDC
Field Unit, Coil 1 indicates CLOSE contactor and is interlocked with Coil 2, Coil 2 indicates OPEN
contactor and is interlocked with Coil 1. When the I/O Module is used in non-MOV (motor-operated
valve) mode, relays 1 through 6 or coils 3 through 8 are available for user configuration.