Flowserve VCT User Manual
Page 28

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When the pump is received, it should be inspected for damage, other signs of rough handling and
double check for missing pieces. Any damage or suspicion of missing pieces should be reported immediately to
the carrier, Flowserve’s Sales Representative and Factory’s Customer Service department (or Flowserve’s
Project Management department from the factory that shipped equipment).
Inspect the preservative coating on the various parts. If necessary, renew the preservative in areas
where it has been rubbed off or scraped.
Inspect all painted surfaces. If necessary, touch up the areas where paint has been chipped or scraped.
In some cases (and on some type of pumps), the rotor is shipped in a blocked position. Do not remove
blocking until unit is to be installed. This will minimize bearing loads and rotor distortion.
Inspect all covers over pump openings and piping connections. If covers are damaged or loose, they
are to be removed, and a visual inspection made of the accessible interior areas for accumulation of foreign
materials or water. If necessary, clean and recoat the interior parts with preservative to restore the parts to the “
as shipped” condition. Install or replace covers and fasten securely.
When selecting storage area, the following should be taken into consideration:
1. The deterioration of the equipment will be proportionate to the class/type of storage provided.
2. The expense involved in restoring the equipment at time of operation will be proportionate to the
class/type of storage provided.
If at all possible, the pump and its parts should be stored indoors in either the horizontal or vertical
position where they will be protected from the elements. If it is not possible to store the pump and its
components indoor precautions must be taken to protect them from the elements. When stored outdoors, the
pump and its components should be protected from dirt, dust, rain, snow, or other suitable coverings.
All equipment stored in the horizontal position must be placed upon skids or blocks to prevent contact
with the ground and surface contaminants. Equipment must be adequately supported to prevent distortion and
bending. Also, periodic (twice a week) 180° rotation of pump’s rotor is needed in order to decrease shaft
distortion due to horizontal storage. When equipment is subjected to longer storage periods (more than 5
months), it is required to crate and store the pump’s rotor fully disassembled, in order to prevent rubber bearing
deformation (if applicable), shaft distortions, shaft couplings problems, and others. Please contact Flowserve’s
representative when longer than 5 months storage will be done.
Rubber parts such as spare o-rings have a shelf life of up to 3 years if stored in original heat sealed packing and
adequately protected from air, light, ozone, radiation, excessive temperature (120 degrees F), contamination
and physical damage.
If pump is stored vertically, rotor is to be lifted and blocked to dimension shown on rotor plate.
1. Customer Inspection And Maintenance
The stored equipment is to be placed on a periodic inspection schedule by the customer.
The responsibility for setting up an inspection schedule rests with the customer and will be dependent upon the
class/type of storage provided. It would be expected that, initially, inspection would occur weekly, then