11 setup and programming (continued) – Drake SCT4860 8PSK Sat-1024QAM Cable Transcoder User Manual

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Setup and Programming (continued)

By selecting the HitS mode in step 10, instead of the generic DCii setting, many of the other adjustable

parameters have been preset to the values required for these networks, determined by the preset programming

in the SCt4860. if you reenter the adjust mode later and make changes to the preset parameters or if you altered

any of the parameters that were preset during the steps above such that the values do not match the preset

values, the display in the mode menu will revert to DCii.
if the dish has been aimed, you should now see a SN readout on the display. if it is less than 7 dB, the transcoder

will not stay locked to the satellite signal. if the SN reading is showing only around 2 dB, you likely are not pointed

at the correct satellite or the dish is not peaked. for reliable operation, the SN level should be above 10 dB and

preferably even higher. the better the margin above the approximately 7 dB threshold, the less likely you will

encounter drop outs due to thunderstorms or snow storms.

NOTE: if you are using the RS232 remote control program, all of the above adjustments may be

made via the PC,except the RACK iD assignment for the PS151 module.

When the using the SCt4860 for DiSH Network, select DiSHScan from the moDe menu. Next, in the if fReq

menu, select the if frequency that corresponds to the DiSH Network transponder that is desired. you will then

advance all the way to the outPut menu as the SCt4860 will automatically search for and set the satellite symbol

rate and feC. Based on what is found, the SCt4860 will then automatically select the proper qAm encoding, qAm

modulation level, interleave, etc. finally, set the desired output level and eiA channel in the appropriate menus.
if the modulation on a particular transponder is changed by DiSH in the future, the SCt4860 will automatically

reacquire the new signal, assuming it's on the same frequency, and automatically set the various satellite

demodulator and qAm modulator parameters.
using the presets will significantly shorten the set up time for a new headend. these preset settings can be altered

at any time if the required parameters change in the future. Whenever DiSHScan is selected, the rain fade logic is

automatically enabled.
Some advanced satellite feC modes may be selected under the tuRBo menu.