Preparing the mount to receive the antenna – DH Satellite 1PC or 8PC 4.2m & 4.5m 48 Polar/Fixed Mount User Manual
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**SPECIAL NOTE: Disregard if you have a sectional antenna and skip to page 7.
It is time to install the antenna to the mount. You must first elevate the ring to about 60 degrees. Lock it in
place. Locate the 1/8" pilot holes; one is located next to one of the 8- 1/2" holes in the dish and the other is
found on one of the 8 blocks on the mount next to the 1/2" holes. When you have located these two holes
you will need 2-3 people to help pickup the dish and set it into the ring making sure the pilot holes line up.
Slip in the l/2" x 1 1/2" bolts using both a rubber & steel washer, leaving out every other bolt until the feed
struts are in place. (see Fig.#1A) Do not tighten these bolts more than just snug. The feed struts should now
be installed. Finish installing the remaining bolts, washers, and nuts to complete the assembly of the
antenna to the ring mount. (Fig.#1) Please read page 7 & 8 “Preparing the feed”.
You are ready to put the dish in a vertical position and use a ladder to assemble and install the feed horn.
Install the bolts as in page 8, Fig.#24 for Ku band. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN.
Install the back braces finger tight. Refer to figures #2, #2A, #3, & #4 below
There are eight holes around the rear of the 48" ring to accept the braces. See Fig. #3. The angle clip( bent
tab, (Fig.#2) is a piece of steel, bent in the middle approximately 1 l/2"x 3" long with two 1/2" holes. You
will find these in the bolt bag. First fasten the clip with 1/2" bolts to the 48" ring; now thread one 1/2" nut
about 2/3rds of the way down on the 1/2" rod end of the brace. Slip the rod end through the clip and install
another 1/2" nut. Only tighten these finger tight. Now, go to the edge of the dish and place the two 1/4" x
3/4" bolts thru the predrilled holes in the lip (Refer to Fig. #4
of the dish and into the end of the brace and
tighten with 1/4" nuts. Repeat this for all eight braces.
Set the dish in its normal position for tracking the
arc and walk 30 feet away and sight the front surface of the dish. It should be flat. If it is not, adjust any
brace that may be holding pressure and try to make the front surface flat. Try to do very little adjusting and
try to release pressure to make the antenna as flat as possible
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Figure #2
Figure #3
Figure #1
Figure #4
Back braces are measured by
tube length only. 4.2m is 62 ½
long. 4.5m brace is 68 ½” long.
1/2” x 1 1/2" Bolt
Splice strap
Brace clip
Fig. 1A
Feed struts
1/2” x 3” Bolt