Ku band feed assembly, Fine tuning the feed – DH Satellite 1PC or 8PC 4.2m & 4.5m 48 Polar/Fixed Mount User Manual
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The Ku band collar is only used when you are using KU band only feeds. You will use our horseshoe collar
(C14F) FIG. #22 and add in a three-piece flat collar to hold the Ku band feedhorn. When using these two
pieces together we call it a KU4FL (see FIG. #23)
First assemble two pieces of the flat tri-collar, slide it onto the feedhorn, and then add the last piece. Attach the
flat tri-collar to the horseshoe collar (FIG. #23). You will notice that you can adjust the polarization of a single
feed by rotating your feed to the desired position and then tighten the tri-collar to the feedhorn. This will
prevent the feedhorn from sliding.
Major adjustments in your focal length can be made by placing
the three-piece collar on either side of the horseshoe collar.
Set the feed at the exact focal length we recommend. The 4.2m and 4.5m has a 57.6” f/l. (This does not take
into consideration the allowance for the feed manufacturer's recommendation that the focal length be 1/4" inside
the waveguide for C-band and 1/8" for Ku band). (See FIG. #25)
You must set the feed so that you are looking directly at the center of the dish. Use a focal finder or anything
handy to assist in aiming the feed to the center of the dish. The feed must not be tilted in any way. DH offers a
new focal finder tool to assist in centering the feed. Call for pricing.
FIG. #22
FIG. #23
FIG. #24
FIG. #25
The feed plate has flex so that when setting up the collar you will be able to achieve the correct position
regardless of the collar you have received. Once you tighten all of the hardware on the feed assembly, the
flex will be established and tightened into place. It is VERY important that, 24 hrs after installation, a final
inspection is completed on the feed assembly. You will need to recheck the focal length and make sure
your feedhorn is looking directly at the center of the dish. This step is necessary 24 hrs after installation
and if you make any future adjustments to the feed assembly.
Please take time to read over page 8A on “ADDITIONAL FINE TUNING TECHNIQUES.”
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35 7/8” OR 57 1/2”