Daktronics AB-1600-1.5,2.5 User Manual
Page 40
Electrical Installation
Venus 1500 Systems
Venus 4600 Systems
1. Output Test (DDDs)
The display will blank until a sequence
2. Product Name (Galaxy)
is run on the controller. Refer to ED4602
3. Display Size (Row x Column)
for instructions on running a sequence.
4. Firmware Number (ED10134)
5. Firmware Revision (Rev X.XX)
6. COM1 Configuration (C1: V15/RTD)
7. COM2 Configuration (C2: None)
8. Line Frequency (60 Hz)
9. Hardware Address (HW: XX)
10. Software Address (SW: XX)
11. Display Name
12. Modem if present (Modem)
After completing the test patterns, the Venus 1500 controller will run messages stored in the battery
backup memory. These messages will continue to run until the power disconnects or the messages
change using the controller computer.
If the display is operating as expected, proceed to the final step of small matrix display installation –
the lamp voltage check.
If the display is not operating correctly, double check all signal and power connections and refer to
Section 4.6 for troubleshooting guidance. If unable to resolve the problem contact Daktronics
Customer Service.
3.11 Lamp Voltage Check
The final step in display installation is checking lamp voltages. Excessive voltage to the lamps causes
premature burnout while insufficient voltage hinders the display’s effectiveness.
Although Daktronics performs a line voltage check prior to installation, perform the lamp voltage test.
This test will bring to light any internal problems, such as a transformer damaged during shipping that
could result in sending excessive voltage to the lamps.
Complete the following steps to test lamp voltages.
1. Turn on the power to the display and configure the display to have 50% of the lamps on per
module. This can be done by either:
creating a static sequence with alternate columns on, or
selecting the sequence from the appropriate controller manual under the diagnostics section.
Refer to the Venus 1500 Operator’s Manual (ED9067) or the Venus 4600 Operator’s Manual
(ED4602) for more information on setting up and running sequences.
2. Locate two modules powered by the same transformer.
3. Remove a lens and an ON lamp from any column from one of the above modules. Refer to
Section 4.3 Lenses to address lens removal and replacement. Figure 40 illustrates the use of the
lamp removal tool.
4. Insert the lamp voltage tester into the empty lamp socket.
5. Place the probes of the voltage tester leads into the holes of the lamp voltage tester (Figure 41).
Record the lamp voltage reading on each of the “1600 Series Display Power Report” forms found
in Appendix C. The table in Section 3.4 lists expected lamp life based on line and lamp voltages.