Daktronics AB-1600-1.5,2.5 User Manual

Page 37

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Electrical Installation


Lamp brightness levels are set using the Venus software running on the controller computer. Control
brightness by either manually configuring a bright/dim schedule or by letting the optional light
detector adjust lamp brightness as needed.

Following are the optional light detector installation instructions for both Venus 1500 and Venus 4600

ED9067 and ED4602 contain operation instructions for the Venus 1500 and Venus 4600 software,
respectively. Use the appropriate software manual to configure the display for a light detector if using

Light Detector Installation - Venus 1500 Systems

Instructions for mounting and connecting signal wire to the light detector are located with the light
detector in its box.

A light detector can easily connect to the Venus 1500 display controller as follows.

1. Route the light detector cable (Daktronics part

number W-1234) through conduit and into the

2. Continue the cable into the controller box fitting

labeled “LIGHT.”

3. Strip the insulation and terminate wires to TB7 as

shown below. TB7 is near the lower-right corner
of the Venus 1500 controller product board, as
seen in Figure 38.





Venus 1500 Controller Term

Block (TB7)



Pin 1 (+5V)



Pin 2 (GND)



Pin 3 (Light - P)



Pin 4 (Light - N)

If a temperature sensor was ordered with this display, refer to Optional Temp Sensor Installation
- Venus 1500 Systems
in Section 3.9 for installation instructions.

Proceed to Section 3.10 if all the following statements are true.

Signal from the controller computer routes and connects to the Venus 1500 controller within
the display.

The light detector connects to the Venus 1500 controller.

A temperature sensor was not ordered with this display or is already installed.

If this is a 2V, multi-face display, signal interconnects between the displays.

Optional Photo/Temp Sensor Installation - Venus 4600 Systems

Instructions for mounting and connecting signal wire to the light detector are located with the light
detector in its box.

Venus 4600 systems usually have a combination light and temperature sensor. The two devices
integrate into a common circuit board. There is also a photocell-only option available. The only

Figure 38: TB7 on Venus 1500