Daktronics Galaxy AF-3400 20 mm Monochrome/RGB Double-face Displays User Manual

Page 43

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting


Temperature problems

(For displays with a temperature sensor installed.)
How to show the current temperature on the display


Open the Venus 1500 Message Studio.


Choose FileÆ New if the temperature will be part of a new message or FileÆ
if this will be added to a current message.


Open the message field and click on Data Fields at the top.


Choose Temperature.


Select the desired format. The field is now in the message.


Send the message to the display and the temperature will now be shown.

Note: The temperature sensor must be correctly installed before a current temperature
can be shown.

Temperature shown is too high or too low
The temperature on the display can be adjusted either up or down to become more

Open the Venus 1500 Display Manager and click on Diagnostic Control.


Click on the name of this display under the Display List.


To the right of the Set Temperature Offset button, use the up and down arrows to
adjust the temperature being shown. The range is ± 9°C (1°C=1.8°F).


Once the adjustment is made, click on Set Temperature Offset to send this change to
the display.

Note: Repeat these steps for each primary display that shows the temperature.

Temperature always reads –196F/-127C degrees

• Check the temperature sensor cable connections.
• Look for bent pins on connectors.
• Check that the temperature sensor is set to address 1.
• Make sure the sensor has power by checking that the LED is blinking.
• Replace the temperature sensor.

Testing displays

Start and stop the test pattern

Open the Venus 1500 Display Manager and click on Diagnostic Control, represented
by the gears in the top section.


Click on the name of the chosen display under the Display List, then click on Start


Once testing is finished, click on the name of the display, then click Stop Test.

Note: This procedure must be done for each primary display being tested.

Before calling for help

Steps to take before calling Daktronics Customer Service:

Turn off the power breaker switch. Wait a few minutes and turn it back on. Have
someone watch the display(s) to make sure that the initialization sequence runs.


Once the sequence is complete, try to communicate with the display.


Check the Communication and Troubleshooting sections of this manual.

If none of these steps is helpful, fill out the chart below and call the service technician or
Daktronics Customer Service at 866-343-3122.