Safety sentry – Cybex 625T Treadmill User Manual

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The function of the immobilization method: The purpose of immobilizing the treadmill is to prevent
unauthorized use. This can be accomplished by removing the e-stop key from the treadmill, un-clipping
it from the cord and putting it in a non-accessible place.

The emergency dismount: Follow the steps listed below if you experience pain, feel faint or need to
stop your treadmill in an emergency situation:

1. Grip handrails for support.

2. Step onto the top steps.

3. Pull the e-stop key off the console.

The function of the emergency stop: The e-stop key functions as the emergency stop. In an emergency
situation, remove the e-stop key from the treadmill and the running belt will come to a stop.

Safety Sentry

Safety Sentry uses display feedback to determine user presence. If a user is not detected within 10
seconds, the display beeps and inquires Run? (LED console) or Are you there? (E3 View console).
The treadmill will use every sensor available to determine a user is still on the belt before asking if you
are present, then shutting it off. If the user is lighter than 100 lbs. (45 Kg), the motor drive may not be
able to determine they are on the belt. In this instance, the treadmill can only rely on the key inputs, or
the heart rate to establish your presence. It is advisable for lighter users to take advantage of the wireless
heart rate feature to avoid triggering the Safety Sentry.

An unattended, running treadmill can create an unsafe environment for a user. The Safety Sentry feature
is intended to allow the treadmill to stop the running belt when the treadmill is unattended. To avoid the
treadmill running unattended, follow these steps:

1. At the end of your workout, verify that the running belt is stopped by visually checking the Cybex

logo on the running belt, it should not be moving.

2. If the belt is moving, place feet on both sides of the top step and press STOP or remove the e-stop

key from the treadmill.

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Cybex 625T Treadmill Part Number LT-23221-4 H