Bronkhorst E-7000 User Manual
Page 61

page 61
Menu descriptions
8100 0000 Install myself.
Here you can install this module on the FLOW-BUS and start/stop the communication.
8110 0000 Auto install.
Press 'enter' to install this module on the FLOW-BUS. It will search for a free adress on the bus
by itself and install there.
8120 0000 Remote Install.
Press 'enter' to let this module get into INIT mode so it can be installed to the bus by an external
device (operation module or PC). You have one minute now to perform the installation
8130 0000 Start Communication.
When you press 'enter' in this menu communication with the bus will be (re)started (use after
stopping communication temporarily). When the device is properly installed, it will start
communication at power-up and after a reset automatically.
8140 0000 Stop Communication.
When you press 'enter' in this menu communication with the bus will be stopped until ‘Start
communication' will be selected or at a reset of the module.
8200 0000 Install instrument. Here you can remote install a module which has been set in remote install
8210 0000 The module which has been set in remote install mode is shown. After pressing ‘enter’ you can
select an address on which the module should be installed. If an address is selected, press
‘enter’ again and the module will be installed on this address.
To avoid FLOW-BUS communication problems it is recommended to install new instruments to
the advised address.
8300 0000 Operate instrument. Here you can search an operating instrument or view and change the
FLOW-BUS settings of the operating instrument.
8310 0000 Search instrument. Here you can search an instrument to be operated.
8311 0000 Use ‘left’ and ‘right’ keys to search an instrument on the FLOW-BUS. Confirm with 'enter'.
8320 0000 Check settings. Here you view FLOW-BUS settings of the instrument you want to operate.
8321 0000 Here you can view the PNA and NNA of the operated instrument.
8321 1000 Here you can change the PNA of the operated instrument.
8400 0000 Check My Settings. Here you check FLOW-BUS settings of this module.
8410 0000 PNA means Primary (own) Node Address of module on the FLOW-BUS.
NNA means Next Node Address. This address points to the next module on the FLOW-BUS and
will be changed automatically if a new module is add to the FLOW-BUS behind this module. If
the module is the last module on the FLOW-BUS, its NNA points to zero.
LNA means Last Node Address. The next node on the bus should have an address below LNA.
8411 0000 Here you can change the PNA of the module. If you give a new address, the module will restart
the communication. The NNA is default set to PNA+1. During communication NNA values may
change automatically because FLOW-BUS optimises it self for optimum communication speed.
Normally installation on the FLOW-BUS has to be performed only one time. Mostly this will be done at
Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V. when your module has been built and tested. The address on the bus for this
module will be stored when the module powers-off. At future power-on situations, it will be part of the FLOW-
BUS on the same address each time. However, there can be situations you have to install your module on
the bus again. For example:
1) When you want to rebuild your FLOW-BUS system.
2) When you want to add this module to another FLOW-BUS system.
3) When, at the check at start-up, the module finds out that its address to be on the FLOW-BUS is
occupied already by another module. You will get a message on your display That you have to re-
install the module on the bus.