2preliminary remarks – Beisler 100-54 User Manual
Page 6

Preliminary remarks
This operating manual adresses to the operator of the machine, that is the
person that works with the machine. It is not a technical manual. Please ask
questions exceeding the contents of this operating manual to our service
All service and maintenance duties at this Pocket-Piping-Machine may only
be carried out by qualified staff (qualified electrical employee or electro-
technical instructed person according to IEC 364 and DIN EN 60204-1).
Machine operation may only be carried out by an instructed person, who had
read and understood this operating manual completely.
Any structural changes to the machine, either electrically, mechanically or
regarding the machine control, are suspect to the responsibility of the
machine owner.
The following documents are part of the documentation of the Universal-
Pocket-Piping-Machine 100/55/56:
1. Electrical wiring plans
2. Parts list
Please check the documents delivered with the machine for completeness.
Limitation of liability
We guarantee the faultless functioning of our product in accordance with our
advertising, the product informations edited by the Beisler GmbH and this
manual. Further product-features are not guaranteed. We take no liability for
the economy and faultless function if the product is used for a different
purpose then that described in the chapter „Use as agreed“.
Compensation claims are generally impossible, except if intention or cul-
pable negligence by the Beisler GmbH is proved, or if assured product-
features are not provided. If this machine is used in environments, for which it
is not suited or which do not represent the technical standard, we are not
responsible for the consequences.
We don’t accept responsibility for damages at installations and systems in
the surroundings of this machine, which are caused by a fault of the product
or an error in this manual.
We are not responsible for the violation of patents and/or other rights of third
persons outside the Federal Republic of Germany.
We are not liable for damages, which result from improper operations
according to this manual. We are not liable for missed profit and for
consecuting damages due to non-regardance of security advices and
warning hints. We don’t accept liability for damages which resulted from the
use of tools and accessoires which are not delivered and/or approved by the
Beisler GmbH.
The prdocuts of the Beisler GmbH are designed for a long life. They
represent the standard of technique and science and were checked on all
functions individually before delivery. The electrical construction corresponds
to the current norms and regulations, particularly DIN 5713 / VDE 0113.
Beisler GmbH is doing product and market research for the further