3 devicenet introduction – BECKHOFF FC520x User Manual
Page 11
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FC520x / CX1500-x520
BECKHOFF FC520x / CX1500-x520
2.3 DeviceNet Introduction
DeviceNet is an open system based on CAN, developed by Bosch a few years ago. CAN was primarily
intended for the transfer of data within automobiles, and millions on CAN Chips have since been installed.
The disadvantage of using CAN in automation technology is that it does not define an application layer. It
specifies only the physical layer and data security layer.
DeviceNet specifies a uniform application layer and this makes it possible to use the CAN protocol for
industrial applications. ODVA (the open DeviceNet Vendor Association) is an independent association
which supports Manufactures and users of the DeviceNet system. ODVA ensures that all of the devices
which conform to the specification can operate together in one system, regardless of their manufacturer.
Example of DeviceNet in use:
For more details see the DeviceNet Specification or look at
, the official Internet address of
the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA).