Basler Electric AVC63-4 User Manual

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First Printing: 09/03

Revised: 04/07





sufficient wattage must be added in series with the field to
increase the total resistance to 15


The frequency compensation feature improves system load
pickup performance by restraining voltage recovery until the
frequency has also started to recover. Figures 4 and 5
illustrate the underfrequency characteristics of the AVC63-4
and AVC63-4D.
The corner frequency range is set for 50 hertz or 60 hertz by
connecting the Corner Frequency jumper to the appropriate
terminal. Refer to Controls, Jumpers for details about
selecting the corner frequency range.
The corner frequency setting is adjusted by the
Underfrequency control (potentiometer). Clockwise rotation
of the Underfrequency control increases the corner
frequency and counterclockwise rotation decreases the
corner frequency. If user adjustment of this factory-set
potentiometer is desired, follow the Preliminary Setup and
System Startup

The overexcitation shutdown feature removes controller
output power, after a time delay, if the exciter field voltage
exceeds 100 Vdc, ±5%. The time delay is inversely
proportional to the magnitude of the detected overvoltage—
up to 135 Vdc. Beyond 140 Vdc, the field voltage is removed
after approximately 2 seconds. Figure 6 shows the over-
excitation shutdown time delay characteristic curves.
Once the output power is removed, the controller can be
reset by decreasing the input voltage to less than 10 Vac for
two seconds, minimum. This can be achieved by stopping
the prime mover or by interrupting the controller input power
with a reset switch.



The AVC63-4 and AVC63-4D controllers may be mounted
on the generator in any convenient position. Figure 7 shows
the outline dimensions and drilling locations. Dimensions are
shown in inches with millimeters in parenthesis.

The recommended mounting hardware is two #8 or M4
screws torqued to 9 inch-pounds (0.9 newton meters).
Nylon-lined locking nuts are recommended when installing
the controller with loose hardware.


AVC63-4 and AVC63-4D controller terminals consist of
quarter-inch, quick-connect tabs.
Figure 8 shows a typical interconnection diagram for the
AVC63-4 and AVC63-4D controllers.

The following procedures provide instructions for adjusting
the AVC63-4 and AVC63-4D controllers. Symptoms caused
by certain generator system problems or a faulty controller
are included along with suggested remedies.


Meggers and high-potential test equipment must
not be used. Use of such equipment could damage
the semiconductors contained in the controller.

Preliminary Setup

Complete the following steps before proceeding with system


Verify that the analog voltage controller specifications

conform with the requirements of the generator system.

2. Ensure that the controller jumpers are positioned as

a. If a remote voltage adjust rheostat will not be used,

ensure that the Voltage Adjust Rheostat jumper is
connected across terminals 6 and 7.

b. If a 55 hertz corner frequency for a 60 hertz system

is desired, connect the Corner Frequency jumper to
the 60 Hz terminal. If a 45 hertz corner frequency
for a 50 hertz system is desired, connect the
Corner Frequency jumper to the 50 Hz terminal.

3. Ensure that the connections between the generator

system and the controller are correct.

4. Install the fuses as shown in Figure 8.

Set the controller’s Voltage control fully counter-

clockwise and the remote voltage adjust rheostat (if
used) to the centered position.

6. Adjust the controller’s Stability control fully clockwise.

This provides the most stability and the slowest

7. If user adjustment of the Underfrequency control is

required, start with the potentiometer adjusted to the
fully counterclockwise position. Then, slowly adjust the
potentiometer clockwise to set.

System Startup


All voltage readings are to be taken with an
average-reading voltmeter.


Perform the steps under Preliminary Setup.


Start the prime mover and bring it up to rated speed.

Generator voltage should build up. If it does not build
up, perform the steps under Field Flashing.


Slowly adjust the controller’s Voltage control (or remote

voltage adjust rheostat) until the generator voltage
reaches the nominal level.
If the voltage does not build up to the rated level:

Check the generator output for excessive load or a



If a minimal residual of 6 volts is not present,

perform the steps under Field Flashing.


Apply and remove the generator load to verify stability.

If the generator responds too slowly or hunts

Check the generator output for excessive load or a

short-circuit. Adjust the controller’s Stability control
with no load applied.


Check the stability of the governor system.

5. Check regulation under normal operating conditions.

If the regulation is poor:

Verify that the prime mover is operating at rated



Verify that the voltmeter is connected to the same

point as the controller sensing.


Use an average-sensing voltmeter (not an rms-

sensing voltmeter).

6. Verify the corner frequency setting by slowly reducing

the generator frequency until the generator output
voltage just starts to decrease.

This manual is related to the following products: