Revision history – Basler Electric BE1-40Q User Manual

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9171500990 Rev N

BE1-40Q Introduction



The following information provides a historical summary of the changes made to the BE1-40Q instruction
manual (9171500990). Revisions are listed in reverse chronological order.


Revision and Date


N, 12/12

 Standardized case and cover drawings in Section 4.

M, 01/11

 Updated equations in Note 1 under Figure 5-2.
 Improved timing specs under Operational Test, Timing Verification in

Section 5.

L, 09/07

 Added manual part number and revision to footers.
 Updated Output Contact ratings in Section 1.
 Updated Power Supply Burden data in Section 1.
 Updated front panel illustrations to show laser graphics.
 Updated Target Indicator description in Section 3.
 Added GOST-R to Section 1, General Information.
 Moved content of Section 7, Manual Change Information to Manual


 Moved content of Section 6, Maintenance to Section 4, Installation.

K, 02/01

 Updated S1 case drawings in Section 4 to the most recent drawings.

J, 10/98

 Corrected Voltage Sensing in Specifications from “Each have a

burden that is less than 0.1 ohm over the” to “Each have a burden
that is less than 1 VA over the”.

 Deleted 500 Vdc from Resistive Output Circuits.
 Deleted all references to Service Manual.
 Updated Style Number Identification Chart by changing Power Supply

Type T from “230 Vac” to “240 Vac”.

 Added new power supply information to Specifications and Section 3

starting with “Basler Electric enhanced the power supply design…”

 Changed the format of the manual.

H, 03/95

 Changed Section 1, General Information, Specifications, Output

Circuits and Isolation.

 Added phase rotation sensitivity information to Section 3, Functional


 Changed Section 4, Installation, Dielectric Test, to reflect specification


 Corrected Figure 4-1 and changed Figure 5-2, note 2.
 Corrected typographical error in Table 5-4, Reactive Power (Vars),


 Corrected typographical error in Section 6, Maintenance, General.

G, 01/94

 Deleted references to mho characteristic.
 Corrected Figure 4-3 (Sensing Input Test Setup), current sensing

input terminals 8 and 9 were reversed on earlier versions;
renumbered equations; updated format; and added new internal
connection diagrams Figures 4-3 through 4-5, added new mounting
diagrams Figures 4-6 through 4-14.

 Added new Section 5, Setting and Testing, moved appropriate data

from Section 4 into Section 5, and changed Section 5 and 6 to
Section 6 and 7.