Basler Electric BE1-40Q User Manual
Page 16

Output Test Pushbutton. This pushbutton allows manual actuation of the output relay.
Output relay actuation is achieved by inserting a nonconductive rod through the front
panel access hole.
Target Indicator. The electronically latched red target indicator illuminates when the
corresponding output relay energizes. To ensure proper operation of the current-operated
target, the current flowing through the trip circuit must be 200 mA or higher. The target
indicator is reset by operating the target reset switch (locator D).
Time Delay Selectors. Two thumbwheel switches select the trip time delay. The left
thumbwheel represents seconds; the right thumbwheel represents tenths of a second.
Range Switch. Two-position switch selects the reactive power range (HI or LOW) desired.
BE1-40Q Controls and Indicators
9171500990 Rev N
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