Attaching the deluxe or petite wrist strap – Avery Dennison Pathfinder 6057 Wrist Strap User Manual

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Attaching the Deluxe or Petite Wrist Strap

To attach the strap to the printer:

1. Lay the strap out flat so the angled sides face up.

D e l u xe W r i s t S t ra p

P e t i t e W r i st S t r a p

2. Rotate the printer so that the display is facing you

and lay the wrist pad in place on the printer.

3. Thread the right end of the strap through the right

strap bracket so the angled part faces up. Move it
down and out. Fold the end over and attach it.

4. Repeat step 3 for the left side of the strap.