Using the input panel, Changing the display settings – Avery Dennison Pathfinder 6057 Quick Reference User Manual

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U s i n g t h e I n p u t P a n e l

To open the printer’s Start Menu, touch the Emerald key.

To open the printer’s input panel, touch the Diamond key.

E m e ra l d

k e y

D i a m o n d
k e y

Key(s) Description

Accepts data or menu selection.

Closes any open windows .


Displays upper case or lower-case alphabetic input

Displays numeric input panel.

Displays special character & symbol input panel.

C h a n g i n g t h e D i s p l a y S e t t i n g s

To change the backlight, sound (beep) and other standard
Windows options, touch the Emerald key to open the Start Menu,
select Settings, Control Panel.
