ART Pro Audio SGX Series - Guitar Effectss Processor User Manual
Page 49

3) Whenever you add an effect that has gain (ie. compressor or distortion), add
the Expander first and if the noise is still high, add the Noise Gate also.
4) Limit the maximum gain in a preset. If you add compressor and distortion, you
can have as much as 90dB of gain! This will bring up the noise of the guitar to
ear shattering levels. If you are going for the effect of a distorted, compressed
signal, back off on distortion drive to less than 50%. This will provide the
same effect and less noise.
5) Set the Programmable EQ ([EQL]) for the overall EQ curve for the preset. Use
the Second Stage EQ (front panel knobs)to fine tune these settings. Keep the
boost/cut below 6dB. Limit the use of 10KHz boost since this brings up noise, and
not many harmonics are present here. If you can, trade off 10KHz boost for 4KHz
boost. Reduce boost in the EQ sections. Instead of boosting level in bands, use
cut in adjacent bands instead, it works just as well!
6) Reduce compressor or distortion drive if using both effects in a preset.
Reduce the input drive control and never turn it up all the way. Reduce the
master output level if possible.
7) Add the expander to reduce the gain at low level.
8) Try keeping the MIX settings to 75% to reduce noise and leave you room for
adding gain if required.
8) Use as little DIGITAL ([DGFX]) effects level in the MIX as possible. Keep the
digital effects output levels to 100% and the MIX setting 75% or less.
Using Your Head (Amplifier)
The SGX 2000 is a working preamp, so is the head in your guitar rig. Using the
two together proves "two heads are better than one"! Even though the SGX 2000 is
not a power amp, combining it with your existing setup greatly expands your sound
Setup 1: Guitar/SGX 2000/Amp
Guitar into the Instrument Input of the SGX 2000, Instrument Output to your clean
channel input of the head. Use the clean channel so you can use the SGX 2000's
front panel controls to modify your sound not your amp. Initially, set all the
head's tone controls to flat. After the SGX is set up, slight tonal modifications
can then be done with your head's tone controls. Set the Mix parameters in each
preset to control the signal level to your head. This will allow you to have the
rigs master volume set and all you have to do is change presets for louder or
softer levels.
Setup 2: Guitar/Amp/SGX 2000 in Amp Effects Loop
Guitar into the dirty channel of the head, amp effect send to Line input (Left
Mono) of the SGX, Line out (Left) to the amp effect return. When using this
configuration, you will be using the drive characteristics of your head and
accenting them with the SGX 2000. Make sure your input level to the SGX is "hot"
enough. The Drive control on the front panel will probably be set to 8 or above
depending on the amplifier used.