ART Pro Audio SGX Series - Guitar Effectss Processor User Manual
Page 40

REFRNC (guitar) = OFF, E 82, A 110, D 147, G 196, B 247, E 330, A 440, AUTO [OFF]
(bass) = OFF, B 31, E 41, A 55, D 73, G 98, C 131, A 440, AUTO [OFF]
DETUNE = (-)2.00 to (+)2.00 in 0.04 (four cent) intervals [0.00]
LEVEL = 0 to 100% in 2% increments [0%]
Type allows you to choose what instrument you are going to tune. There are two
choices, Bass and Guitar. When you choose an instrument, the Reference frequency
(Refrnc) parameter defaults to either Guitar or Bass tuning frequencies. The
strings start low and go high. The frequency A 440 is included for tuning
keyboards, or checking the intonation of your neck. When you select Refrnc to
equal Off, it allows you to access the preset and display the preset number
instead of [- - -]. The Tuner at this point is inactive, you must change the
Refrnc parameter to a string value to activate the Tuner. When you set the Refrnc
parameter to Auto, tuning is simplified even more. Auto enables the SGX 2000 to
know which string you are trying to tune and automatically switch the Reference
parameter to the correct string/frequency. The Auto range has a frequency window
of 2.5 halfsteps.
Detune will let you change the reference frequency A 440 plus or minus 2 half
steps. This allows you to detune up to 50Hz. As a rule of thumb 4 cents,
displayed as [0.04] equals 1Hz. So, to detune A440 to A435 you would set the
Detune parameter to [-0.20]. To detune a full half step, set the Detune parameter
to = [1.00] (plus or minus). Level sets the signal output level of the Tuner in a
1) If you do not wish anyone to hear you tune up when you realize you're out of
tune, set the Tuner Level and the ANFX level of the Mix to [0%] in the preset.
2) If you want signal to pass through the tuner, set the Tuner Level and the ANFX
Level to the desired output level.
The tuner is designed to respond to open string tuning only, no harmonics. For
best results, tune your guitar in the position you will be playing in. Plucking
the string at or near the 12th fret will help the tuner lock on to the signal.
3) Accuracy of the SGX 2000 Tuner is better than .5 cents!
4) 100 cents = 1 semitone = 1 halfstep.
Factory Preset 113 [GUITAR TUNER X15] is set up to work instantly with an X-15 to
tune a guitar. Select preset 113 and use the left pedal to select the string you
wish to tune. If you do not have an X-15, enter Edit mode and press the Value
button. Select which string you wish to tune with the Encoder.
Select preset 005 [AUTO GUITAR TUNER] for quick tuning while on stage. This
preset is set up to auto detect which string you want tuned.
How to use the Tuner:
Watch the LED window display: With the REFRNC parameter set to the string you
wish to tune, pluck the string. Give the unit a chance to "lock-on" to the
signal, the unit will make frequency measurements as long as the green Pres LED
is lit. After each pluck of the string, allow the unit to lock-on to the signal