ART Pro Audio SGX Series - Guitar Effectss Processor User Manual
Page 18

When you first recall a Sampler preset it is usually geared up and ready to
record a sample. Most of the Factory Presets using the Sampler in the SGX 2000
are "record/ready". When the preset is recalled and signal is presented to the
SGX 2000, recording is automatically triggered.
Now you may replay this sample as recorded at any time by pressing the Trigger
button. If the PLAY parameter is set in the SINGLE position and you hit the
button quickly and repeatedly, you will get that stuttering "rap" effect. The
sampled sound can also be played back by a MIDI note on message, using a
footswitch connected to a properly programmed REMOTE jack, or audio trigger.
You may determine the length of the sample time regardless of the Length
parameter's value in the Preset with this button. Say your Length is set for 1.50
seconds and you feel the sample should end at a specific point less than 1.5
seconds. All you need to do is press the TRIGGER button once when you feel the
sample should stop. This automatically sets the Length parameter to that amount
of time.
1) You will have to reset the LENGTH parameter back to its original value if the
full length is required. To do this, simply hit the RECALL button. Doing this
will restore the LENGTH parameter to its original value. (It is assumed the
preset has been STORED)
2) You cannot store the audio sample in the SGX 2000 or dump it through MIDI.
One of the displays to appear in the upper portion of the LCD is the title of the
preset. There is a total of sixteen spaces with the complete ASCII character set
available to use in naming presets.
To either edit the title or create a new one you must first enter the Edit Mode.
To enter the Edit Mode, press the Edit Mode button.
Now press the Title Edit button, [Title Edit] appears in the top half of the
display and a cursor appears in the bottom half.
Press the Value button and use the Encoder to select characters. If the Param
button is pressed, you may move the cursor left and right with the Encoder to
position it for the next character. Pressing the Value or Param buttons will move
the cursor right or left one space at a time. Press the Store button to save your
The title will appear in the upper half of the LCD and any selected effects are
in the lower half. If you wish to change the title, enter the Title Edit Mode and
make the appropriate changes. Don't forget to STORE the new title.
If there are characters you wish to delete in the display use the Encoder to move
the cursor and then press the ADD or DELETE EFFECT button. If you wish to delete
all sixteen characters press the DELETE EFFECT or ADD EFFECT buttons sixteen
times. By doing this you will eliminate any characters and have a blank display
to start with.
To exit or escape from the Title Edit mode, press the TITLE EDIT button once to
escape to EDIT Mode or press the EDIT MODE button.
The Utility button allows you to access the user settable utilities available in
the SGX 2000 and view system information. Listed in this section is information