ART Pro Audio SGX Series - Guitar Effectss Processor User Manual

Page 38

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FINE=(-)4.00 to (+)4.00 half steps in 0.06 cent increments [0.00]
BASE KEY=OFF, 1 through 127 (key note on) [OFF]
LEVEL= 0 to 100 percent in % increments [100%]

Status always informs you of the state the Sampler is in. After a sample has been
taken, status is Idle waiting either to be Re-Armed or played.

Record lets you choose how you want to sample the sound. Auto is signal
activated, the sampler will start recording as soon as signal is applied to the
SGX 2000 and the GREEN LED is lit. Manual is operator activated, the sampler will
start recording when you press the trigger button or use a footswitch with the
Remote jack. MIDI is MIDI activated, the Sampler will start recording when the
SGX 2000 receives any Note On message.

Play lets you select how the sample is played back when triggered. Single plays
back once per trigger, Repeat keeps repeating the sample until triggered again,
and MIDI plays back when any Note On message is received. Punchin lets you insert
a sample into the current signal stream. When you trigger the sample, the current
signal is cut out and only the sample is heard. If you have a preset set up with
the Punchin value, set your Dry level in the Mix to 0%. Audio triggers the
Sampler to playback when the YELLOW LED is lit. Before the sample can be
retriggered the YELLOW LED must go out.

Length is the amount of time you have to record (and playback) a sample. If you
find you've recorded to much, you may eliminate the unwanted end signal by
reducing the Length parameter.

Start allows you to trim the beginning of the sample removing annoying clicks,
unwanted sample material or dead space.

Level sets the amount of signal level coming out of the Sampler.

Use the Short Sampler, [SAMPLER-S] when you want to combine a sampled sound with
reverb. The algorithms from reverb groups one and two are available. Every time
the sample is played back it will be subjected to the reverb parameters you have

The Long Sampler [SAMPLER-L] should be used when you require one and a half
seconds of sampling time.

You should use the Sampler with Pitch Transposer [SAMPLER+PTr] algorithm when you
want to shift the pitch of the sample during playback. Each time the sample is
played back it will be subjected to the pitch parameters set.

1) The Low Pass filter [LPF] acts as a high frequency rolloff to the signal
before it is sampled and may be added to all three algorithm choices.
2) You may program the Remote Jacks to access the Trigger and Re-Arm feature.
3) BASE KEY in the SAMPLER + PTr algorithm has no effect on triggering samples.
4) You cannot store an audio sample.
5) See APPENDIX A, for more information regarding the SAMPLER.


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