ART Pro Audio SGX Series - Guitar Effectss Processor User Manual
Page 45

3) MIDI CHANNEL#s: The display "CHnn" (where "nn" is the channel# associated with
a particular MIDI event) shows the channel# as a 1-origin number. A MIDI event
with a channel# value of 2 will display as "CH03"!
4) If, while in MEM mode, the unit is enabled to respond to PROGRAM CHANGE events
(and those events occur on the same channel on which the unit is listening) and
such an event occurs which causes the unit to switch to a preset that has the
SAMPLER effect, a message may display for a few moments indicating that the
SAMPLER is RECORD-READY. When this message (or others) is finished, the display
will return to the most recent event and display mode.
About the Presets
The presets of the SGX-2000 are grouped together for various sounds and
applications. Locations 1 thru 21 are set up for instant use with a guitar, try
presets 22 thru 30 with an X-15 ULTRAFOOT and guitar for foot control of the
effects. Check out presets 31 thru 45 for delay effects such as chorus and
flange. Presets 46 thru 49 have no digital effects, just raw tube and solid state
power. The rest of the presets are a collection of killer and clean sounds,
special effects, and a few things totally out of this world!
The presets were all configured with all front panel controls at center value.
Battery Backup
When power is terminated to the SGX 2000, the edited MPT as well as the last
preset used and the MIDI Channel will be active when the unit is next powered up.
Memory retention is expected to last four years. Should you encounter memory
loss, contact our service department.
Low Battery Indicator
The life of the internal lithium battery is approximately four years. If you see
the right decimal point illuminated in the seven segment display, it is
indicating the voltage of the lithium battery is low.
Software Revision Level
There is a way to correctly identify the software version residing in the unit.
While in Edit Mode, press the Utility button, then press the Param button. Turn
the Encoder until the current version as well as the date is displayed in the
LCD. The SGX 2000's software is contained in a socketed EPROM. This software
controls the SGX 2000's functions as well as its sounds.
User Registration Card
Be sure to fill out the USER REGISTRATION CARD with this manual and send it in to
our Customer Service Department. Doing this will insure that you are notified of
important information regarding your SGX 2000. Please be sure to write in your
serial number.
Factory Reset
There is a Factory Reset sequence which will reinitialize the SGX 2000 to ALL of
its original values. Be sure you have either downloaded or kept a written record
of the Presets since they will be eliminated. To perform a Factory Reset, press
and hold the PRESET, 0/ENTER, and 4/MIDI buttons simultaneously.