TelVue Connect User Manual

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User Manual / v. 1.6 / June 2014

© 2014 TelVue Corporation. 16000 Horizon Way, Suite 500, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054




is a trademark of TelVue Corporation. 800-885-8886.


Creating Moderated Users

A Moderated User is a user whose published uploads are subject to the approval of your Moderators
before they are made live in the system. A user in any role can be moderated, though making an
Admin moderated has no effect because an Admin by definition can edit and approve anything at will,
to include their own moderated content.

To create a Moderated User, check the “This user’s content is moderated” checkbox on their user
account. That user’s published uploads are now subject to the approval of your Moderators before
they are made live in the system.

Assuming Publishing and Moderation are active, users will see a
“Save Draft” and “Publish” option on the media-edit pages, along
with space for an optional comment to the Moderators. When a
Moderated User clicks “Publish”, the video will be marked
“Pending” and will enter the Moderation Queue. Moderators are
notified via email of the new item in the queue, and the
Moderated User’s comment is included in that email.

The user will not be allowed to
publish media until all required
metadata has been entered.

Compare that with what the
Moderator sees, when looking at
the same page for a video that
is “Pending”. Connect gives the
Moderator the power to
“approve” or “reject” this
video. Once approved, the
video’s status changes to
“Published”. Approved content
is now usable in the system,

whether that be for scheduling or distribution.

Upon approval or rejection, the Moderator may include a comment
back to the Moderated User to explain the reason for approval or
rejection. A new email is sent to the Moderated User with the
Moderator’s comment included. If rejected, the Moderated User may
make the appropriate changes and resubmit for approval.


Items in moderation are freely editable by Admins, Program Coordinators, and Moderators, but not
Contributors. When a Moderated Contributor submits an item for moderation, the item is locked. The
Contributor cannot make changes to it. For a Contributor to be able to edit an item in Moderation,
they must pull it out of moderation by “rescinding” it. They will see “Rescind” buttons in their

Moderated Program Coordinators do not see “Rescind” buttons on their moderated content, because
the permissions of their role allow them to freely edit content at any time, even while it is Pending and

Changes to Published / Approved Items

Only Admins, Program Coordinators, and Moderators can make changes to published
items. Contributors are not permitted to make changes to published items. If you need to allow a