C8702, C8000 – Junger Audio C8702 Controller C8000 User Manual

Page 10

background image


Frame Controller


digital audio
processing system


On the counterpart, the PC you must define an exception for the firewall (the whole in it).
Open Fire Wall settings and go to exceptions :

1. right click on the network symbol in the task bar of windows
2. select ”Change Windows Firewall settings”
3. click on the “Exceptions” tab
4. open the “Add Port” menu :

Here you must give this rule a unique name (e.g. “c8k frame #17”) and assign it a UDP port number.

Important Note! If you want to connect from different PCs with one and the same c8k frame, it is
sufficient enough to use one UDP port per c8k frame, because different PCs will open different IP socket
connections with the same frame controller.

If you want to connect from one PC with different frames, a unique UDP port number for every remote
frame is necessary! Therefore you may assign a range of UDP ports for the Frame Controller :

Important Note! Connection of multiple JAVA applets from the same PC with the same module is not
implemented! In such case the previous applet will be killed.