8 product warranty – dynascan 360 display – DynaScan Outdoor 360 Degree LED Video Display DS1713 User Manual

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2007-2013 DynaScan Technology Corp. 22

5.8 Product Warranty – DynaScan 360 Display

DynaScan Technology Co rp. wa rrants its products to b e free from defects in

both materia l and workmansh ip within the warranty period. If a p roduct un der

warranty pro ve s to be defective, the company will either repair it o r rep lace it

with similar produ ct. Replacin g produ cts or parts may in clude remanufacturing

or refurb ishin g pa rts or components.

Warranty Duration for DynaScan 360 Display:

DynaScan Technology Co rp. pro vides a 12-month wa rran ty for this p roduct

from the date of purchase.

What the Warranty Does Not Cover:

Any p roduct on wh ich the seria l number has been defaced, modified, or

remo ved.

Damage, dete rio ration or malfunction resultin g from

Natura l disaste rs such as fire, flood, lighting, earth qua ke, and so on.

Accident, m isuse, negle ct, unautho rized modification or repair.


Remova l o r in stalla tion.

Po wer fluctuations or failure .

Usin g a ccessories or parts, which are not meeting DynaS can’s


Any o ther causes that is not rela ted to a product defect.

How to get the Warranty Service:

1. To get the wa rran ty service, p lease co ntact DynaScan Ma rketin g


2. Before contactin g us, please p repare the follo win gs:


date of purchase



Your name


you r add ress

4 .

brief description

of the problem


product serial nu mber.

3. Send or ship the product with the original containe r to you r DynaScan

dealer, or an y Dyn aScan service center.

4. Please contact u s for an y further questions.