6 legal notices, Exclusion of damages, 7 disposal notices – DynaScan Outdoor 360 Degree LED Video Display DS1713 User Manual
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2007-2013 DynaScan Technology Corp. 21
Legal Notices
Intellectual property; limited license to users
The hardwa re an d software of our products are p rotected b y cop yright,
trademark, patent, and/or othe r intellectua l prope rty la ws, and a ny
unauthorized use of the software, trademarks contain ing he rein ma y violate
such la ws and the software license a greement. E xcept as e xpre ssly p ro vided
herein, DynaS can and its suppliers d o not grant an y e xpress or implied rights
to use an y p roduct related ha rd wa re a nd software.
DynaScan is re gistered trademark of DynaScan Techno logy Co rp. in R.O.C
and\or othe r countries. Micro soft is registe red trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Moonlight is registered trademark of Moonlight cord less Ltd. IBM is re giste red
trademark of IBM Corpora tion. Oth er trademarks are trademarks of their
respective o wners.
Specifications and information contain ed herein a re furnished for informatio nal
use only. Re vision s are periodically made to the information herein; the se
re vision s will be in corpora ted in later editions. Impro vem ents or chan ges in the
products o r the pro grams described m ay be made at an y time and are sub ject
to chan ge without notice, and shou ld not be con strued a s a commitment m ade
by DynaScan. This manual could in clude mistyp in g or typo graphica l errors.
DynaScan a ssume s no responsibility or liab ility for an y erro rs or inaccuracies
that may appea r in this manual.
Exclusion of Damages:
DynaScan Technology Co rporation’s liability is limited to the cost of repair o r
replacement of the product.
DynaScan Technology Co rporation sh all not be liab le for:
1. Damages to other property caused b y any defect in the p roduct, dama ges
based upon incon venience, lo ss of use of the product, lo ss of time, loss of
profits, loss of business opportun ity, loss of good will, interference with
business re lation ships, or othe r comm ercia l loss, e ven if advised of the
possib ility of such damages.
2. Any o ther dama ges, whether incidental, conse quential o r otherwise.
3. Any cla im a gainst the customer b y an y other party.
Cop yright
2007 D ynaScan Technolog y Co. All Rights Reserved.
Disposal Notices
Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted
municipal waste, use separate collection facilities.
Contact your local government for information regarding
the collection systems available. If electrical appliances
are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous
substances can leak into the groundwater and get into
the food chain, damaging your health and well-being.
When replacing old appliances with new one, the retailer
is legally obligated to take back your old appliances for
disposal at least for free of charge.