CRU HotPlug Field Kit User Manual

Wire capture accessory kit, Accessories included, User manual

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W i r e C a p t u r e A c c e s s o r y K i t U s e r M a n u a l ( A 9 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 3 5 ) R E V 1 . 0

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Wire Capture Accessory Kit


Revised June 20, 2011

Use the tools from the Wire Capture Accessory Kit together with HotPlug™ to capture a computer that
can not be seized with the standard capturing method. It is recommended that you watch the video for a
visual demonstration of how to use this kit. The video, along with additional product information, is
available for viewing on the HotPlug product page at

1. Accessories Included

Wire Capture Accessory Kit #1

Wire Capture Accessory Kit #2




HotPlug Wire Piercers


3-Prong Outlet Polarity Tester


Wire Insulation Splitter


Custom Gray Output Cable

3-prong outlet polarity tester for quickly determining whether an outlet is wired correctly. Simply

plug it into an outlet and determine what to do based on the results

Non-contact voltage tester to indicate which wires are "hot" without touching them. Use this tool

first to see what you're working with and to verify that the wiring is as expected. Can be used to
check outlets or individual wires. Just press the lever down and hold next to an outlet. The device
will sound when close to a hot wire.

11-in-1 screwdriver. In any situation it provides for two sizes of slot screwdriver bits, two sizes of

Phillips head screwdriver bits, three sizes of nut drivers, two torx bits and two square bits. When
removing outlets or access covers, you never know in advance if there are slotted screws, Phillips or
raised hex head screws. Be prepared for just about anything.

Insulated wire stripper/cutter. With an insulated handle, this multi-functional tool allows for cutting

(and stripping, if necessary) multiple gages of wire. Used primarily for the outlet capture method.

Cable sheath slitter. If you need to use the cable piercing method of capture, you may need to strip

an insulated multiple wire cable. This tool will allow you to strip away the outer sheath to get to the
individual wires. To do this place the cable in the metal bracket and apply pressure so that the cable
is being pressed against the cutter. Slowly slip the cable against the cutter to slit the cable. Remove
the sheath to expose the wires.

HotPlug Wire Piercers. This can be used when the outlet or the plug are inaccessible. The tool

consists of two clips marked Red and Black for Lead (Hot) and Neutral. Each clip has sharp points
that will pierce wire insulation and make contact. Use the electrical tape to secure the connection
after the tool is in position. (See Using Wire Capture Kit below for more instructions)

Plastic outlet box for standard two socket outlets. Use for the outlet capture method, this outlet box

is a receptacle for the outlet after it has been captured. Screw the outlet in place and replace the
cover over the outlet. This makes a neat and safe method to transport a live electrical outlet.




HotPlug Wire Piercers


3-Prong Outlet Polarity Tester


Insulated Wire Stripper/Cutter


11-in-1 Screwdriver


Cable Sheath Slitter


Non-contact Voltage Tester


3-Prong to 2-Prong (non-polarized) Adapter


Outlet Box


Canvas Bag


Custom Gray Output Cable