CP Electronics MWS3A-AD User Manual

Page 7

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Dimming Channel 2 functions (factory default in brackets):


Light level

Maintained illuminance level (adjustable between 1 and 999). At 999 the
output will be always be at maximum.


Presence detection

Not used. See Channel 1 setting.


Absence detection

Not used. See Channel 1 setting.

4.4 Switch level on (9)

Not used. See Channel 1 setting.

4.5 Switch level off (9)

Not used. See Channel 1 setting.


Memorise (N)

If this is set to Yes, the last manual lux level set will be memorised and
used as the new switch on level.


On value (99)

Dimming output level when switched on (0-99).


Off value (0)

Dimming output level when switched off (0-99). If a non-zero off value is
set, then the output will toggle between this value and completely off
depending on the switch level on and off values. For example, if it is light
outside, the fittings will be off if there is no occupancy. If it is dark outside,
they will adopt the preset off value. This feature is only enabled if ‗Min
value‘ is set to 99.


Fade value (10)

After occupancy ceases, this dimming output level is loaded for the fade
time (adjustable between 0 and 99).

4.10 Fade mins (0)

This is the time period (adjustable between 0 and 99 minutes) that the
luminaire will be held at the fade value before turning off. A value of 0
disables the fade function.

4.11 Max value (99)

Maximum dimming output level (adjustable between 0 and 99).

4.12 Min value (1)

Minimum dimming output level (adjustable between 0 and 99).

4.13 Speed on (40)

Determines the dimming response speed after the setup time has
finished. Measured in 0.1 sec intervals.

4.14 Speed set (5)

Determines the dimming response speed during the set up time.
Measured in 0.1 sec intervals. If set to 0 will disable dimming for ―Set
seconds‖ below, used if fittings are required to warm up before dimming.

4.15 Set seconds (120)

Determines how long the dimming response set-up period lasts on power-
up or on setting change (adjustable between 1 and 999 seconds). This
enables the desired lux level to be achieved rapidly when the lights come
on, or during setup.

4.16 Burn-in (0)

Determines how long the output will be at 100% so that lamps ‗burn-
in‘ (adjustable between 1 and 999 hours). The ‘burn-in‘ time is not affected
by power supply interruptions. To disable burn-in set to 0.


User Menu

DD-LCDHS user menu or UHS handset functions:


Lux up

Increase light level. Reverts when occupancy cycle complete.


Lux down

Decrease light level. Reverts when occupancy cycle complete.


Scene up

Steps up between 6 pre-defined scenes.


Scene down

Steps down between 6 pre-defined scenes.



Select the individual scene, between 0 and 6. (1 = min. output; 2 = 10%;

3 = 25%; 4 = 50%; 5 = 75%; 6 = 100%)


Override on

Permanently overrides the luminaire output on.


Override off

Permanently overrides the luminaire output off.



Cancels the on or off override, returning the detector to normal operation.



If sent before using lux up or lux down, it will set the light level as in 4.1