CONTA-CLIP CONTA-Sign 5.2 User Manual
Page 29

Page 29 of 67
Support plates tab
This shows which labeling elements are
being used and checks whether the
relevant support plate has been fitted
for the engraver. If a support plate is
missing or if the support plate is not
compatible with the labeling element,
the corresponding segment is
highlighted in red.
The Plotter Basic half size (DIN A4) with
engraving option and dedicated
Engraver series have no support plate
recognition and therefore no check can be made to ensure the correct support plates
have been fitted.
After all settings made the click on the OK button starts the engraving in general and
the following window opens:
The following sequence for engraving
will be done:
At the beginning all letterings, symbols then
after graphical elements followed by
contours will be engraved, if set
The top part of the window indicates the
respective engraving to be done,
letterings or symbols, graphical
elements, contours.
The right side the selected needle size is
indicated for you to follow or not.
The middle part provides information about the requested needle size and engraving
With a click on the Start button, the engraving will be started, right after three
additional buttons Repeat, Stop, Continue appear on the screen.