4 environmental conditions, Nvironmental, Onditions – CIRCUTOR OPTIM Series User Manual
Page 18

Table 7-4.- Nominal consumption of the capacitors, according to the power
230 V
400 V
2.5 kvar
6.28 A
3.6 A
5 kvar
12.56 A
7.2 A
7.5 kvar
18.85 A
10.8 A
10 kvar
25.12 A
14.4 A
12.5 kvar
31.41 A
18 A
15 kvar
37.7 A
21.6 A
20 kvar
50.24 A
28.8 A
25 kvar
62.82 A
36 A
30 kvar
75.4 A
43.2 A
40 kvar
100.48 A
57.6 A
50 kvar
125.64 A
72 A
60 kvar
150.8 A
86.4 A
70 kvar
175.92 A
101.1 A
80 kvar
200.96 A
115 A
NOTE: If the consumption is below ±25%, and the voltage is normal, this is usually a symptom of
degradation of the capacitors. In case this is detected in a capacitor, it should be replaced with
another capacitor.
Regulator Checks.
Refer to the manual of the specific regulator used in the battery. This manual is
always supplied with the bank.
• Check that there are no faulty segments on the display.
• Check that the keyboard is operating properly:
- Enter Setup and check the adjusted values
- Force the manual connection and disconnection of a step.
Environmental Conditions:
• Check that the maximum environmental conditions listed in section 4.3 are observed