6 mounting the cel-35x, 1 cel-6351 pin mounting clips – Casella CEL CEL-35X dBadge User Manual
Page 28

Casella CEL-35X dBadge Users Handbook – Page 28
The recommended location for mounting a noise exposure meter
varies depending upon the legislation specific to a country. Most
countries recommend a position close to the ear (10-15cm) so the
dBadge can be mounted on a collar or shoulder. The UK legislation
recommends mounting on the top of the shoulder to avoid reflections
from the head and body affecting the measurements as much as
possible. All mounting clips are attached to the CEL-35X dBadge by
two screws. By removing the screws with the screwdriver provided,
the mounting clips can be changed. As shown in Figure 25, please
reinsert the screws into the correct hole, otherwise damage could be
caused to the dBadge.
Figure 25
6.1 CEL-6351 Pin Mounting Clips
These clips can be mounted to a variety of clothing. Caution should be
used when fitting these to an employee to avoid piercing the skin.
These clips should not be used on fire retardant clothing as piercing
the outer layer will compromise the employees‟ protection.
Illustrations of the CEL-6351 and CEL-6352 mounting clips are shown
in Figures 26 & 27.
Correct Screw Orientation