Warning – Casella CEL CEL-296 User Manual
Page 45
Fit the microphone and preamplifier to the sound level meter
according to the instructions given in its handbook.
Connect the Instruments together using the cables indicated in
Figure 11.
If a CEL-275/3A, /2A, /3C or /2C, or CEL-383/3A, /2A, /3C or
/2C sound level meter are to be used, they may be close
coupled to the filter set as described In Section 5.1.1 and
Figure 9.
Insert batteries into the filter set, sound level meter, and
recording instrument following the Instructions given in
Chapter 4 and the relevant handbooks for the other
Remove batteries from filter set and sound level meter it
they are to be powered by an external supply.
Alternatively, connect the Instruments for external power using
the CEL-3732/2 Power Supply and C4461/2 Cable as also
shown In Figure 11.
Check the condition of the batteries in the sound level meter
and level recorder according to the relevant handbooks, and
replace them if necessary.
It is not necessary to switch the filter set ON before switching
the sound level meter ON with these arrangements, as no
interface connections are Involved, EXCEPT when a CEL-
275/3A, /2A, /3C, or /2C, or CEL-383/3A, /2A, /3C, or /2C are
close coupled. In this case, the Instructions given In Section
5.1.1 steps 5 to 9 apply.
Set the filter set MODE switch to "Man/Ext".
CEL Instruments Ltd
CEL-296/3 Operator Handbook
Page 45