Casella CEL CEL-296 User Manual
Page 30
When a set of batteries has been loaded, check their power output
by sliding the RANGE switch to "On" to ensure that LOW BAT is not
The instrument is now ready for service and may be coupled or
connected to the Sound Level Meter.
In accordance with accepted measurement practice, it is
recommended that a field accuracy check (acoustic calibration) of
the complete system be performed before and after each series of
readings. The procedure for each sound level meter is described in
the relevant sound level meter handbook. It requires the use of a
CEL-284/2 Acoustic Calibrator (Class 1). a CEL-282 Acoustical
Calibrator (Class 2), the earlier CEL-177 Precision Acoustic
Calibrator, or an RFT 05001 Pistonphone.
Page 30
CEL-296/3 Operator Handbook
CEL Instruments Ltd