Casella CEL CEL-296 User Manual

Page 24

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Include an All Pass band level, followed by octave band levels over
the frequency range from 8 Hz to 16 kHz.

In the '1/3 Oct' position, the input signal is passed through the third
octave filter. The centre frequency of this filter may also be stepped
manually, by remote control from an external device, or
automatically using the autoscan program. Complete results from
the 1/3 Oct" setting Include an All Pass band level, followed by third
octave band levels over the frequency range from 6.3 Hz to 20 kHz.

(Up) and (Down) Nudge Buttons

The and nudge buttons at either side of the front panel are
used to select the next highest or next lowest filter band centre
frequencies when scanning the filter set manually.

When the button is pressed while standing in the highest
frequency filter band, the instrument returns to the "All Pass" band.
Conversely it returns to the highest band when the button Is
pressed while standing in "All Pass".

If either button is held down for longer than about one second, an
auto repeat function is activated which allows the Operator to scan
rapidly through the filter positions.

Once one autoscan has been stored under microprocessor control,
pressing either button starts a new autoscan in an adjacent memory
location ( - next higher, - next lower, both with wrap-a-round),
causing any data stored to be overwritten.

The nudge buttons are also be used to select which store location is
to receive spectral data, or which is to be interrogated, when the
BAND switch is set to "All Pass" and the MODE switch to "Scan".

On recall, once the appropriate store has been selected, the BAND
switch is returned to the desired bandwidth, then the nudge buttons

Page 24

CEL-296/3 Operator Handbook

CEL Instruments Ltd