Waldorf Pulse 2 User Manual
Page 27
Sound Parameter
Pulse 2 User Manual
Determines the sustain level which is held until a note
Once the note has ended, the release phase begins.
During this phase, the envelope fades to zero at the rate
determined by the Release value.
OFF / A-D / D-D
The Loop mode can be used to use an envelope as an
additional LFO. The following settings can be used:
OFF creates no loop.
A-D loops attack and decay phases without reset-
ting to 0 until the release phase starts.
D-D lets alternate the envelope from full scale to
zero to full. Sustain controls the speed.
SNG1 / SNG2/ RET 1 / RET 2 / RET 3
Five different types of triggers determine how and when
an envelope is started.
With the setting of SNG 1, the first note starts the
envelope. All other notes do not restart while a
note is sustained. The release phase is not started
until all keys are released. SNG 2 works in the
same way, except that the envelope is started at
the current value rather than reset to zero at
every new start.
With the setting of RET 1, the envelope is
restarted with every incoming note. With RET 2,
the envelope is restarted with every incoming
note, but is not reset to zero. Finally, RET 3 trig-
gers the envelope with every note on. While
holding the note, the envelope is not restarted
and won´t be retriggered when a note is relea-