The envelope sec – Waldorf Pulse 2 User Manual
Page 26
Sound Parameter
Pulse 2 User Manual
OFF / 0...127
Sets the glide time. Low settings will give a short glide
time in a range of milliseconds that gives a special cha-
racter to the sound. Higher settings will result in a long
glide time of up to several seconds which can be useful
for solo and effect sounds. With the setting OFF, the
function is deactivated.
Determines the way the Glide effect works.
NORM means that a continuous glide is performed
on all new notes.
FNGR means that a continuous glide is performed
only when notes are played legato. Staccato play-
ed notes start on the exact pitch of their note.
FNON is similar to FNGR, but it only glides when
legato notes are triggered.
FNOFF is similar to FNGR, but it glides back to the
former played note when releasing the actual note.
The Envelope Section (ENV F and ENV A)
The Pulse 2 envelopes allow you to manipulate sound
parameters via rate or timed modulations. The Pulse 2
offers two independent programmable envelopes with
linear attack and exponential decay and release for
every sound:
A Filter Envelope (ENV F). This envelope is fixed
to control the filter but can also be used for other
An Amplifier Envelope (ENV A). This envelope is
fixed to control the sound volume, but can also be
used for other modulations.
Determines the attack rate or amount of time it takes for
a signal to go from zero to the maximum level.
Determines the decay rate or amount of time it takes for
a signal to reach the Sustain level.