Waldorf Zarenbourg User Manual
Page 19

Connection to an iPad
With the camera connection kit, you
can connect USB to your iPad and
use Zarenbourg to communicate with
music apps. Note that we cannot
guarantee this functionality as it is not
officially supported.
Zarenbourg is equipped with
MIDI jacks:
MIDI In jack
connect a MIDI cable here to control
Zarenbourg from another source.
MIDI Thru jack
Here the data received on Za renbourg’s
MIDI In port is repeated so that you
can connect an additional MIDI device.
Connect MIDI Thru to the MIDI In port
of the additional device.
MIDI Out jack
Zarenbourg sends all control data
like notes, pedal info and program
changes to control external equipment
or make MIDI recordings in a DAW
or sequencer.
Connecting Pedals
Zarenbourg supports
two pedals si-
The Expression pedal jack
[27] hosts a
standard expression pedal. Currently
this can be used to control the Auto
Wah filter frequency.
The Sustain pedal jack
[28] accepts
a standard sustain pedal. The data
from some pedals can be read conti-
nuously – even if they were not desig-
ned for this purpose – to make it pos-
sible play with the pedal only half
depressed (“half pedaling”).
Data transfer via SDHC Card
To load firmware and sample content,
you need a standard SDHC card. The
card data must be present in the root
directory for Zarenbourg to read it.
First insert the card into the SDHC card
[14], and then switch on Zaren-
bourg. While the data is being read, the
Effect indicators
[14] will display a bi-
nary code that gives you an estimate of
the time remaining. When all LEDs are
off, the transfer is done. Depending on
the type of data, it may be necessary to
restart Zarenbourg once the transfer
has completed.
Please consult our website for the
latest firmware and samples for your
Zarenbourg piano: