Sounds – Waldorf Zarenbourg User Manual
Page 11

Selecting Sounds
After switching Zarenbourg on, the
Preset Bank is active, and you can se-
lect sounds using the Sound Selector
[11]. Here seven presets are offered:
Two classic electric pianos (Tines/
Bars), another electric piano (Reeds),
grand piano (Grand), electric grand pi-
ano (Electric Grand), an FM piano (FM)
and a clavinet. Banks A, B and C con-
tain similar sounds, but these locations
can also be used to store user sounds.
Use the User Bank buttons
[12] and
Preset Bank button [10] to select the
different banks. The button of the ac-
tive bank is illuminated to indicate
which bank you have selected. For de-
tails on how to store sounds including
effect settings for locations A1 – C7,
please refer to page 18.
Tremolo is a periodic amplitude modu-
lation, and although this is quite a sim-
ple effect, it can really enrich your
sound when used with care. Adjust the
Tremolo using the Tremolo Intensity
[5] and the Tremolo Speed con-
[6]. Use the Tremolo Stereo button
[8] for a phase-shifted modulation bet-
ween the left and right channels, this
significantly smooths the resulting
stereo image. The button is lit when
Stereo Tremolo is active. The Tremolo
[7] flashes in sync with the
speed of the modulation effect to give
you a visual cue. If you want to turn
the Tremolo effect off, simply turn the
Tremolo intensity control
[5] to zero.
playing together with other inst-
ruments, it may be helpful to detune
Zarenbourg slightly in order to sound in
tune with instruments that are hardly
or not at all tunable.
The process is comparable to Transpo-
sition: press and hold the Transpose
switch [9] and turn the Tremolo speed
control [6], until Zarenbourg is in tune
with the other instrument. The Tremolo
indicator [7] will light up to indicate the
neutral / mid position. Active detuning
is also indicated by an illuminated
Transpose switch [9].